In pursuit of its vision-mission and to enable the organization to fulfill its goals and objectives, the Curriculum Studies Association of the Philippines, Inc. conducts regular activities and events relating to curriculum studies and instructional designing:

Seminars and Lecture Series with Resource Persons

The UP College of Education Curriculum Studies Area has conducted several Lecture Series in 2019. The first one was on "Evaluation and Curriculum Transformation" presented by Dr. Andrew F. Wall, then Dean of the School of Education at University of Redlands California (USA) on July 19, 2019.

Another Lecture Series was conducted on September 28, 2019 on the topic: "Digital Media and Data Science in Curriculum Studies". The roster of expert speakers took the audience to a closer look at Curriculum Studies in light of emerging trends in educational technology and data science. The speakers for this lecture series were : Dr. Ferdinand Pitagan (Dean, National Teacher's College), Ms. Jennifer Christine Fajardo (International Christian University, Japan) and Ms. Maria Theresa Capule-Navarro (Data Science Graduate, For the Women (FTW) Foundation Cohort 2. A highlight of the event was the brief Induction Rites at the beginning of the Lecture Series wherein the newly elected CSAPI Officers took their oath of office, with Dr. Amelia Fajardo, CSAP Executive Director, presiding the ceremony.

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Japan Educational Tour (June Term)

Japan Educational Tour (June Term)

A total of 27 educational administrators, teachers, and graduate students participated in the recently concluded Japan Educational Tour 2023-June Term, held last June 9-18.


Aims of the tour were as follows:

  • compare the system of Japan and the Philippines and determine areas which can be beneficial to the Philippine system;
  • allow education practitioners and graduate students to observe classes in basic and higher education;
  • provide opportunities to experience the unique culture of Japan and how the education system helps preserve this unique heritage;
  • provide opportunities for research linkages with Japanese Teacher Education institutions.


To meet the goals of the tour, activities conducted included school visits, Japanese cultural experiences and sightseeing to several UNESCO world heritage sites. Seven (7) Japanese cities in three (3) prefectures were visited within the ten-day duration of the educational tour. The program provided opportunities for the educational practitioners to observe and gather information about the Japanese educational system and compare it with that of the Philippines. Participants observed classes in all levels of education in Hiroshima, from kindergarten, to elementary, junior high school, senior high school, and the university. Research presentations and educational exchange linkages were also made during the visit.


Through the program, the participants also experienced the unique heritage of Japan as they immersed themselves in interesting cultural experiences the country had to offer : Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement), Kimono-wearing, a Japanese home visit, and partaking of Japanese cuisine. Moreover, the participants were able to see the best spots for sightseeing at the Kansai Region (Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, and Nara), Hiroshima, Iwakuni, and Matsuyama. In total, fifteen (15) major tourist spots were visited including four (4) UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Japanese cities were likewise explored as the delegates had stopovers at various dining and shopping areas, marveled at exquisite Japanese architecture and their transportation system, which were all a testament of Japanese ingenuity, their respect for culture, and their topnotch education system.


It was truly an unforgettable experience and a dream-come-true for all the participating educators!

National Conference on Curriculum Studies (NCCS) 2022

National Conference on Curriculum Studies (NCCS) 2022

CSAPI held its second annual National Conference on Curriculum Studies (NCCS) with the theme, Curriculum Studies for Education for Sustainable Development in a Post-Pandemic Era in the Philippines. The conference, with more than 250 participants both onsite and online, highlighted the role of curriculum studies in achieving education for sustainable development in the Philippines. The conference was designed to underscore the best practices in curriculum designing, implementation, and evaluation of curricular programs with integrated sustainable development. Based on these practices, curriculum practitioners and educators can be guided in crafting programs relevant, appropriate, and responsive to the new normal.


There were two Keynote Speakers, Dr. Ra-shane Meesri from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and Mr. Renato Opertti, Senior Program Specialist for Innovation and Leadership in Curriculum and Planning of UNESCO-IBE. Both touched on the theme for this year, “Curriculum Studies for Education for Sustainable Development in a Post-Pandemic Era”. Plenary Speakers representing Basic Education, Higher Education and Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) gave presentations on the same theme as applied to their respective educational level of expertise. Panel Discussion followed in the afternoon then capped by simultaneous Parallel Presentations on how the theme on Education for Sustainable Development applied to the following strands : Curriculum planning/designing, Curriculum implementation and evaluation, and Instructional designing.

Registration Details and Programme

Bionote and Presentation Abstract

Related Events

National Conference on Curriculum Studies (NCCS) 2021

National Conference on Curriculum Studies (NCCS) 2021

The very first national conference organized by CSAPI was held last July 17, 2021 from 8am to 3pm with the theme : “Designing Curriculum and Instruction in the Next Normal”. This conference was conducted online due to the prevalence of the Covid pandemic but despite the conference not being face to face, the conference nonetheless turned out to be a success with more than 200 participants in attendance to the virtual event. The Keynote Speaker was Dr. Ng Soo Boon, Senior Lecturer from SEGI University, Malaysia, who spoke on the topic : “Charting the Next Normal : Developing Hybrid Learning Curriculum Framework”. Plenary sessions were given by Dr. Diosdado San Antonio (DepEd Undersecretary), Dr. Jessie Barrot (Dean, College of Education, Arts and Sciences, National University) and Dr. Luis Calingo (President, Holy Angel University), all giving their own presentations as to how the theme applied to Basic Education and Higher Education in the Philippines. The afternoon was more hands-on learning as participants underwent a Curriculum Mapping Workshop and the conference concluded with parallel sessions as various research studies were presented during the Paper Presentation portion.

Registration Details and Programme

Bionote and Presentation Abstract